Scones Gone Wrong
My phone has a lot of photos of vegetarian food from the past six or seven weeks. I make the food, I snap the pictures for the blog, and then I think, "meh." I have been unmotivated to actually post much. But today, a great old friend suggested--unprompted!--that maybe someone out there needs my posts, when so many of us are spending extra time in the kitchen, plus the temptation is there to let our concern about the environment slide, given all our other worries. (And some people never had that concern in the first place. Did you see the infuriating, dismaying news that the Trump Administration has put meat industry workers at risk for COVID-19 by ordering that those plants stay open? Could they not instead have considered how to promote more sustainable, plant-based diets ? That is a lose-lose policy, President Trump, hurting both people and the environment.) Even if no one does really need my attempts at inspiration, "meh" is not what I want to embody, ev...