Cozy Autumn Wild Rice Soup

Happy Vegan Vednesday! My backup dancer and I now have a firm routine going with slow-cooker oatmeal on Vednesday mornings, and then I enjoyed tea with oat milk as my hot beverage a little later. Lunch was pasta with a little olive oil and a sprinkling of Maldon salt flakes and some diced fresh tomato (what in the sam heck am I going to do when the farmer's market ceases after next week?!!! I don't want to think about it).

Oatmeal for breakfast

I love that the author of our dinner recipe, "Cozy Autumn Wild Rice Soup" (Gimme Some Oven), provides directions for vegan and non-vegan options, and instant pot or slow cooker* or stovetop options. I used the slow cooker. With vegetable oil substituting for butter, and coconut milk for cow's milk, I was flying non-stop to Veganville.

Wow, that was corny. Sorry about that.

Isn't this little onion cute?

The soup turned out to be a hit among all three of us. Definitely a winner. Definitely going on the "Greatest Meatless Hits" list that I keep thinking should post but never get around to posting.

This was right before the aliens beamed me up.

Like I said, the soup was a hit!

Emma has decided to try her hand at songwriting. In addition to songs about her wiggly teeth and her father's love of the Yankees, she wrote this one about me.

I found the lyrics a little bittersweet. I don't mind cooking, but what I really love is eating. I cook because I want to eat in a way that incorporates healthy elements, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and is environmentally friendly. It does frequently feel like I cook "non-stop," as the song suggests, and that's not a great feeling.

Fortunately, there are a lot of things I get to do that I really do love, like writing fiction, and making clothes and Halloween costumes, and gardening, and going to parties, ooooh! oh yeah, hoo! hoo!

*Update as of October 2023: the recipe author has actually removed the slow cooker instructions from the site, but lucky for me, I had saved them! Here they are:
