Vegan Snacks and a Sustainably Shorn Lawn

Tomorrow is #VeganVednesday again, and here are a couple vegan snack ideas for you:

1. Guacamole! I used to flip open Bittman's "How to Cook Everything" for the proportions, but now I just wing it: a couple of mashed avocados, a tablespoon or so of minced jalapeƱo, a tablespoon or two of minced onion, a healthy squeeze of lime juice, and salt.

2. Tapenade! I tried a recipe tonight from The Spruce Eats and it was intensely garlicky, but other than that it was good. I mean, I liked it garlicky, but have mercy on the people around you.

In the food processor bowl

I don't really know what effect I was going for with this photo.

I thought I would also take this opportunity to brag about mowing my own back yard with a reel mower, which I started doing a few years ago. It takes me about 2 hours, every 10 days or so.

Plus you can look super-sexy while mowing, like me.

It might take you less time than me if you mow your own lawn, because we have a fairly large yard with a lot of trees, so I spend the first hour is cleaning up twigs that do jam up the darned mower, plus removing deer poop and weirdly large fungi and the occasional horrifying small animal carcass.

I'm not going to make this picture bigger, because it will give you nightmares.

A lawn of green grass is not an inherently environmentally friendly thing, I recognize, and I also turn over the (smaller) front yard to a lawn service because it has a steep hill that is too much for me. But if you're going to have a lawn, mowing it with a non-motorized mower is a way to minimize the negative environmental impact. It is also good exercise, and not loud like a gas mower. Your neighbors might appreciate that! You can listen to a podcast while you do it. And I'd say 6-8 hours a month from May through October is not an unreasonable commitment for your home.

As a final environmental thought for tonight, read about these elementary school Cafeteria Rangers who are working to reduce the food and container waste that goes into landfills:
