Grilled Pizza

This recipe for grilled pizza dates back to an era when I would actually copy recipes out of a newspaper onto an index card and stick them in a little plastic recipe box. Now you know: I am ancient.

You could use any pizza dough that you like, actually, and grilling them makes them sooooo good.

The trick is to cook one side of the dough, then put toppings ON THE COOKED SIDE, then to stick them back on the grill so the bottoms get cooked and the toppings are heated/melted.

Remove the pizza from the grill when it is getting brown on the bottom

And here's a tip for what you might NOT want to do: create a whole spread of yummy vegetable toppings, and then watch two seven-year-olds top their pizzas with nothing but cheese. Sigh.

Those toppings were super awesome on my own pizza, though. Basil from the garden. Bell pepper and tomatoes from the farmers market, and zucchini, too, lightly sautéed. Sliced pitted kalamata olives. And of course the cheese. Fresh mozzarella proved a challenge because its water came out during grilling, but it tasted amazing. Cheddar worked better on the grill.

Before the second trip to the grill

After the second trip to the grill
