
Showing posts from April, 2024

Lentil Rice with Dates

No matter how completely I have internalized a mostly vegetarian diet over the past five years, I still feel hopeful when I come across an article with a first line like this one: "Cows are not the problem." My saliva glands swung into action as I read about livestock farming practices that support carbon sequestration.  "It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. At tea time, everybody agrees." Regenerative agriculture practices are great -- really great, seriously! -- but the key word above is carbon . None of the solutions described in that article addressed the problem of cows being a major source of methane , which dissipates faster than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but traps more heat around the Earth, pound for pound . When it comes to methane, cows really ARE a problem. Then I turned to an article whose headline stated that "Innovative solutions will be necessary to reduce methane emissions".  And again, this article has useful and ho